getting personal!

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about different aspects of my photography business… including how often (or in my case.. how infrequent) I blog.

I’m going to be implementing a few changes in my business over the next few months.. so watch this space!  Firstly,  I’ve decided to get more personal on my blog.  I’m going to be sharing more of who I am.. show more of my photographs.. and what I love doing.

I’m ultra keen to get your feedback to see if that’s what you want..  or whether you just want to see photographs from my portrait sessions.  So please share your thoughts and comment below!!!

For those photographers out there, you might have heard of these “A photo a day” projects.  Well, I’ve decided to participate in one starting well.. now!! I received an invitation from a fellow photographer friend of mine – Nancy.  So I’m going to be taking a photograph a day in December and will be posting the photos here!  I’m excited to see where this will go over the next month:)

I thought this would also be the perfect opportunity for me to share a little more of who I am.. so expect some interesting photos this coming month!!!

Here’s the December 1 photo.  (I took it yesterday so I will have to post today’s one in a later post!)

Introducing Yoshi – my favourite flurry friend.  He’s waving and saying hi to all of you:)



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Facebook comments:

LOVE it!! cannot wait to learn more about who you are and see your amazing photos… get personal!!! <3


Very much looking forward to it Mish! Love your photography, and not just the portraits!


Thanks both for your valuable comments. Will definitely get more personal… and all sorts of photos too!


The photo of Yoshi is the CUTEST!!!

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